What Is The Best Thing That Can Happen?

Every one experiences challenges. Every one experiences opportunities for growth. Every one faces fears. And every one can receive rewards for the courage of facing those fears. But, not every one is ready or open to receive those rewards.
Just as there can be a limit on how much suffering you can tolerate, there can also be limits on how much happiness and flow you can tolerate. Instead of hitting the bottom and not being able to take any more, you can hit the top, your upper limit and not know how to take any more.
The part of you who is conditioned to expect less somehow sabotages the good that is flowing, leaving you in familiar, even if somewhat unsatisfactory territory. It may happen by old subconscious patterns attracting a hazard that stops the flow. Or it could be the more conscious part of you coming up with excuses and rationalising why you can’t really move forward, receiving acceptance within rather than challenging yourself and moving forward.
If you are able to recognise your habits and acknowledge that OK, you are scared, then you are already on your way to breaking through that fear. Sit with it. Ask yourself what it is you are really scared of? What do you think is really blocking you from reaching your full potential of happiness? Why do you think you feel like this?
The best way to then fully face the fear is to ask, ‘What is the worst thing that could happen if this reality came my way?’ Imagine it, as you already have in one way or another anyway, and question whether that worst thing is really that bad after all? (It’s not).
Then ask an even more important question. ‘What is the best thing that could happen if this dream became reality?’ Reconnect with the longing and the bliss of the potential dream, rather than the fear and upper limits. What is the best thing that can happen? You can have your dream realised, that’s what!
You are allowed to enjoy success, whatever you determine that to be. If it means living in a beautiful home, fantastic! If it means earning good money doing what you love, fabulous! If it means enjoying a simpler lifestyle free of toxic people making demands on your time and energy, go for it! If it means learning to love who you are and treating yourself with more kindness, wonderful!
Your heart knows you. It hears your longing and will draw your dreams to you. Your job is to unblock the upper limits to allow the dream through. And you can do this by asking those two questions – What is the worst thing that can happen? Followed by – What is the best thing that can happen?
The best thing that can happen is that you will experience joy like never before. The best thing that can happen is that you are open to all of the bounties that life wants to share with you. The best thing that can happen is happiness.
The best thing that can happen is that you break free of upper limits and open to the blessings waiting to arrive in your life!
So go on, please, it is time to ask yourself.
What is the best thing that can happen?