Life and Wonder

Find out why so many people look forward to it in their inbox



Life and Wonder is where I share empowering stories that thousands of people subscribe to.

This includes the free fortnightly newsletter, which is more like greetings from an old friend than a spurt of motivational insights that may leave you feeling a little defeated.

These missives leave you wanting to improve your life and to respect the gift of time you have remaining. They are to support your levels and understanding of self-kindness, not in just a trendy term but in gentle and enjoyable action.

In addition to the newsletter, I write an empowering story each week exclusively for paid subscribers for just a small monthly investment. Think of it as an act of kindness to yourself.

This portal is fast becoming one of the favourite parts of my work, as I weave these tales to entertain and inspire you.

The stories give real-life examples of the lessons shared and include a voiceover of me reading them.

I love the energy at Substack where Life and Wonder is housed. You can join me there simply by subscribing further down this page.


Many readers are left so inspired that their hearts compel them to reply.

Here is just some of their feedback:

“I love it when your emails pop into my inbox - they are such a breath of fresh air in this crazy world.”

“Thank you for making me happy with your email today.”

“It's exactly what I needed to read just right now.”

“Thank you for sharing such lovely insights.”

“Reading your email feels like a letter from a dear friend.”

“Thank you for taking the time to share these nuggets of wisdom.”

“I absolutely love your emails.”

“Pure poetry in motion!”

“You inspire me to be a better person every day.”

“Thank you so much for your presence in our lives.”

“Your emails leave me more peaceful, every time.”

“Thank you for brightening my day.”

“Heart-touching writing Bronnie. Great work. You are a shining light.”

“Thank you for your beautiful and motivating writing.”

“Thank you for your wise encouraging words, as always.”

“Thank you for what you do, and the encouragement (and beauty) you share through your work.”

“You make things happen! That’s what I love about following you. Such an inspiration!”

“Thank you for all the beauty you offer to this world.”

“Thank you for sharing all of this and helping people like me to trust in themselves and their beauty.”

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

“Thank you so much! This is just what I needed today.”


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