22. The Endless Days of Summer in Australia

Summer usually knocks me down. The humidity and heat of the Australian summer have helped me fall in love with the cooler seasons instead. But this summer was magical like a child’s summer break, which stretches on forever. It was such an expected gift.
Life can be like that: surprising in wonderful ways when we least expect it.
Welcome to Episode 22.
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All music licensed via Epidemic Sound
Florida Daydream – Brett Gregory
Gentle Dreams – Sight of Wonders
Something Great Awaits – Mica Emory
Isle of Mist – Breathing Tides
Fading Away – Madison York
Kentucky Chase – The Undertowns
Lupi – Sayuri Hayashi Egnell
Despite any loving intentions, please do not offer health advice prior to reading my book BLOOM fully and understanding more of my health journey.
Disclaimer: All information shared in this video is based on my own experience and is not intended to be taken as professional advice.
Thanks for sharing this time. I appreciate you.