25. The Tiny Home Adventure Continues

This episode, when combined with the previous, is surrender in action. Surrendering is not pretty and is usually painful, but it’s also incredibly freeing. These two episodes are a real-life example of that.
This episode is also a lovely update on the off-grid, tiny-home journey.
It’s more of a chat and conversational one, as was the last, but it’s what I could manage right now to bring you up-to-date on this journey of home and wilderness.
Thanks for tuning in. I hope you enjoy it.
Welcome to Episode #25
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- Instagram: @bronnie.ware
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- YouTube: @BronnieWare1
All music licensed via Epidemic Sound
Sitting on the Moon: Rebecca Mardal
Despite any loving intentions, please do not offer health advice prior to reading my book BLOOM fully and understanding more of my health journey.
Disclaimer: All information shared in this video is based on my own experience and is not intended to be taken as professional advice.
Thanks for sharing this time. I appreciate you.