39. All Roads Lead Us Home

Summer has beaten down upon us this month, while still providing beauty and change. The life of the ants reminds me of inward journeys and the harshness of the dam drying out shows me that nothing is fixed or guaranteed. And of course, gentle moments with wildlife unfolded, including the spotting of some new creatures.
Welcome to Episode 39.
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- Instagram: @bronnie.ware
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- YouTube: @BronnieWare1
All music licensed via (affiliate link) Epidemic Sound
- Open Window – Franz Gordon
- I Know Why – Greta Greene
- Ode to the Curious – Hanna Lindgren
- Appalachian Spirit – Roy Edwin Williams
- Caught in a Gust of Wind – Rikard From
Despite loving intentions, please do not offer health advice. My journey around that is shared in my book, Bloom.
Disclaimer: All information shared in this video is based on my own experience and is not intended to be taken as professional advice.
Thanks for sharing this time. I appreciate you.