The Top Five Regrets of the Dying - A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing
Gives hope for a better world.
A bestselling memoir, read by more than a million people worldwide. Available in 32 languages.
- I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
- I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
- I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
- I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
- I wish I had let myself be happier.
These are The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, and you have the opportunity right now to embody the wisdom that many realised far too late.
You’re here because, deep down, you yearn for something more.
Something tugs on your heartstrings and urges you to find courage, open your heart, connect, be happy and enjoy this one precious life.

Why I wrote The Top Five Regrets of the Dying
In 2009, I wrote an online article called Regrets of the Dying about my time as a palliative carer. Working with dying people and developing close relationships with them during their last weeks changed me forever. To honour their wisdom and life-parting requests, I wrote this article.
Very unexpectedly, the article gained multiple-millions of views worldwide. Requests poured in as people asked me to share more of my life and how to apply the wisdom I’d been bequeathed, and so my journey began.
These pages hold raw and honest conversations about life and death, including what my patients wished they’d done differently. It also shares my journey of transformation, as I mastered the tools needed to ensure I didn’t end up with the same anguish and heartache of regret that I was witnessing. No one wants to experience that, including you.
May you use my patients’ wisdom as encouragement to fully experience the life you deserve, one embracing fulfilment.
A bestselling memoir, read by more than a million people worldwide. Available in 32 languages.

How it may help you
Regret-Free Living results from honouring your heart over and over. It’s a constant evolution.
This book serves as a reminder that you don’t need anyone’s permission to live according to your own heart. You must only choose it for yourself.
The Top Five Regrets of the Dying has helped over a million people to forgive their past and courageously create a life more aligned with what makes them truly happy. People have left disempowering careers, started creative endeavours, they’ve travelled, healed relationships, fostered self-kindness, compassion and realised the sacredness of time.

'This book had a profound effect on my life.'
Dr Wayne W. Dyer

A life-changing memoir inspiring you to embrace your power of choice and the sacredness of time. If you want the courage to celebrate your uniqueness and ensure you are joyfully becoming the very best version of yourself, this book is for you.
In this heartfelt retelling of my personal story, I offer real-life examples and transformational tales to support your evolution.
By applying the lessons of those nearing their death to my own life, I developed a profound understanding of how to be present and courageous on levels well beyond regular experience.
Expressing the significance of the regrets, I show first-hand how you too, can address these issues with trust and courage while you still have the time.

The memoir resonates profoundly across cultures because:
We are all the same.
We all want to know we have truly lived our best life.
No one wants regrets.
No one has to have them.
Choose to create the life your heart calls you towards.

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