Some feedback on the vlog:
Wow, that is absolutely gorgeous. Loved the moving photography and all the crystal clear images.
Your vlogs are just beautiful!!!
Thank you Bronnie for showing us courage.
Your voice, your words, your stories, the vision and the music. Beautifully put together.
Thank you for sharing your ‘moving photography’, wise words of wisdom and comfort.
Your pictures and words are so amazing.
Wow! Achingly beautiful, tenderly intimate.
Magical video … so beautiful and heartfelt. I could look and listen to this again and again.
Thanks, Bronnie, for once again managing to touch me deeply and reminding me of the essentials.
The photography is amazing.
A fantastic piece and I learn so much from your openness and willingness to share your story.
Your videos relax me so much.
I love to see your smile, hear your words, and watch Australia's beautiful nature, thank you, Bronnie!
With such candid wisdom and honest beauty, your message is a soothing balm for our hearts.
What a wonderful, WONDERFUL vlog! Thank you so much.
Real food for the soul.
Your vlogs always bring a smile to my face and heart!
I can't wait for the next one!
These are incredible, inspirational, beautiful vlogs.

There are parts of our acreage that are easier to visit in the cooler weather, due to them being the perfect havens for snakes to live during the warmer months. So, this episode takes you to a secret corner that is like a whole other world from what you’ve seen of the place so far. Welcome to Episode 28.
View HereI’ve chosen to work less for Autumn to embrace my favourite season as much as possible. It’s been a beautiful time in this high country of Anaiwan Land in Australia. Join me for a gentle recap of life’s moments. Welcome to Episode 27.
View HereWe all make mistakes in building a new home. This video shares some of mine in the hope of saving you from doing the same. It also shares what is possible in a small space and the beauty of building with hempcrete. Welcome to Episode 26.
View HereThis episode, when combined with the previous, is surrender in action. Surrendering is not pretty and is usually painful, but it’s also incredibly freeing. These two episodes are a real-life example of that. This episode is also a lovely update on the off-grid, tiny-home journey. It’s more of a chat and conversational one, as was the last, but it’s what I could manage right now to bring you up-to-date on…
View HereThe hempcrete tiny house has arrived and it’s time to look inside! It has also been a time of huge decisions. I always suffer a bit of an over-sharing hangover when I release a vlog episode or a memoir that is so personal. But it seems I teach best through the example of my life. I’ve also found that the more real we can be in the public eye, the…
View HereIt’s been a wave of emotions and challenges since I first stepped foot on the land I came to buy. But at last, there are forward steps unfolding, ones that can actually be seen physically. Dreams unfold step-by-step and decision-by-decision. Sometimes it can feel like it will always just be a dream, but then it’s not: it becomes your new reality. Welcome to Episode 22.
View HereSummer usually knocks me down. The humidity and heat of the Australian summer have helped me fall in love with the cooler seasons instead. But this summer was magical like a child’s summer break, which stretches on forever. It was such an expected gift. Life can be like that: surprising in wonderful ways when we least expect it. Welcome to Episode 22.
View HereSometimes we don’t realise how much we need a gift that life puts in front of us until we surrender fully to it and open our hearts to its blessing. Visiting Lord Howe Island over the summer break in Australia was indeed an unexpected blessing. May this episode remind you that it is OK to gift yourself with some life offline sometimes. There are beautiful places out there, local or…
View HereAt last, I have woken on my land! The beauty of such an experience is enough to keep pulling me forward. Sometimes that’s all we need – a taster of things to come that gives us the strength to keep believing in possibilities. Welcome to Episode 20.
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