Frequently Asked Questions
Please note: Any emails sent to the office are managed by Bronnie's assistant, not by her personally.
We do not reply to emails if the answer is already on this page.
Please read below for the subject and answer you seek. In doing so, you enable Bronnie and her team to focus on serving at our best, for which we are grateful.
Due to contractual obligations with Bronnie's publisher and legal team, the following copyright conditions apply to potential requests.
If you wish to use any of Bronnie's work, including the Five Regrets, as content for speaking presentations, public events, online programs or in any income-generating product (excluding books, which are listed further below), permission is not granted.
It is only granted in exceptional circumstances after extensive consultation.
You may refer to one of the regrets without our permission, providing you quote Bronnie's name, but you may not use more than one. The exception to this is paid collaboration with Bronnie. Please email the office via the Contact page to open the conversation around your vision. We look forward to hearing from you.
If you wish to use any of Bronnie's work, including the Five Regrets, for your magazine or any reading matter that generates income, please include a link to your website or organisation in your email via the Contact page.
We wish to support you, but cannot guarantee permission if your request arrives with a deadline of only days or hours. We will reply as soon as possible, but please allow 30 days to be sure.
If you wish to use any of Bronnie's work excluding the Five Regrets in your own book, please include a link to your website with information about your book in your email via the Contact page. We will reply within 30 days. You may not publish your book using Bronnie's content without our permission.
If you wish to use the Five Regrets or part thereof in your own book, please contact the nearest Hay House office to your region. Permission is not given from this office.
It is illegal to use Bronnie's work without permission. Both her publisher and legal team take copyright seriously. Thank you for respecting Bronnie's hard work and following the correct legal channels.
If you intend to use the content to promote your own paid offering, you are not permitted to use Bronnie's work without first being granted permission by Bronnie's legal team. Complete the form on the Contact page with your request. Allow 60 days for a reply. Do not proceed without this.
If you intend to create content solely for inspiration or promoting discussion with your audience on social media, you may use the Five Regrets or Bronnie's other quotes, on these conditions:
- Bronnie’s page is to be credited clearly in the text of your post
@bronnie.ware for Instagram and Facebook
Bronnieware1 for YouTube
- If you’re creating a meme around any of the regrets or any of Bronnie’s quotes, her name needs to be in the meme itself. It is not to passed off as your own work. (That is not cool or legal.) Note, it is Bronnie Ware, not Bonnie Ware.
If you wish to share the five regrets or any of Bronnie's work on your blog, you are welcome to providing no personal opinion is added to the actual text taken from Bronnie's work. You can, of course, add your own opinion to other parts of your blog. Her bio, below, must also be included at the bottom of your article. If these conditions are met, you have permission to publish on your blog. Further permission is required for other uses.
Thanks for asking and for connecting with Bronnie's work.
Bronnie has reduced her interview schedule significantly to focus on other areas. So while she does enjoy connecting through quality interviews, we are only able to say yes to a very small percentage of applications received.
To apply for an interview, please email via the Contact page with:
- Your budget for Bronnie’s time
- A link to your website/organisation and social media pages
- How long your podcast/publication has been running
- Your verifiable listener/readership numbers
- Whether you are seeking a video, voice-only, or email interview
- Length of time required for your interview
- Confirmation that you have read Bronnie's book/s fully, rather than just the blog article. (This ensures a much more interesting interview for your audience.)
Applications without all of the above details are not considered.
Requests where we have to supply the questions are also not considered.
We generally assess applications once a month. Please don't send a follow-up email. If we'd like to discuss more or offer you an interview, we'll be in touch within 30 days. Either way, thank you for asking.
(Refer further down the page for online summits.)
Bronnie enjoys sharing her life-changing teachings on courage and regret-free living at both public and private events. This is through keynote presentations and consultations. She also offers online Q&A events.
Please refer to the Speaking page for more information.
Bronnie offers a very limited amount of personal consultations. This is a high-end investment. Read more here. Beyond this, she does not give individual advice. However, her books, cards and prints all offer support.
Free inspiration is also available through Bronnie's newsletters at her other online home, Life and Wonder with Bronnie Ware. You can join for free at the bottom of this page.
If you are interested in Bronnie representing your brand, please email via the Contact page. Providing that both your brand and product are aligned with Bronnie's own values, she is happy to consider your proposal.
Great things are done when great minds and hearts work together! Send your proposal outlining your vision via the form on the contact page.
Make sure you include Bronnie's potential role in the project, audience demographic and numbers (and how they will be served by the project), time frame, financials, and links to your website and social pages.
You will receive a response either way, once we have had time to consider your project thoroughly.
(Please refer to separate question and answer for online summits.)
Bronnie rarely participates in affiliate summits, but we wish you a very successful and enjoyable event.
If you are a well-established teacher in your field and your summit is not strictly affiliate based, you are welcome to email the office via the contact page.
Thank you, but we don't require guest posts or articles for Bronnie's website.
Unless you have met Bronnie at an event and she has offered to assist with a testimonial or if she has reached out to you personally with support, Bronnie is unable to assist due to other commitments. Please do not send in your book or a PDF on the assumption she will read it. But thank you for thinking of her. We wish you all the very best with your project.
As each author's journey is individual, it is not possible for Bronnie to offer individual advice.
Bronnie has created a beautiful little book for budding authors that will support your writing journey immensely. Read more about it here.
The book Bronnie mentioned in a personal healing episode in The Top Five Regrets of the Dying is 'Cell Level Healing' by Joyce Whiteley Hawkes.
The walk was on private properties and isn't offered to the general public.
Out of respect of those who made it possible for Bronnie to experience it, we don't share the location.
Bronnie appreciates your loving intention to offer advice for Rheumatoid Arthritis, but we ask that unless you have fully read her book Bloom, please refrain from doing so.
Bronnie has embarked on extensive learning of numerous modalities. As a result, she has a deep understanding of her body and its needs.
We all have different paths to walk and different ways to heal.
We recommend reading Bloom to possibly understand your own health journey better.
If you have read it and still feel called to share, you are welcome to email us via the Contact page. But again, please do not email if you haven't read Bloom and fully understand the depth of Bronnie's experience with healing. Emails of such loving intention can distract rather than support.
If you were hoping to send Bronnie your book as a gift, thank you for your intention, but please use it for other purposes. Bronnie likes an uncluttered lifestyle, which includes no excess belongings.
Her cherished reading time is given to books of her own choosing from her long wish-list, especially historical fiction.
If you would like to send Bronnie a different kind of gift, please email the office first via the contact page.
Bronnie is grateful for your generous heart, but she loves the planet and does not like to encourage consumerism. As mentioned above, she also does not like excess belongings.
Unfortunately, books and/or gifts sent without these considerations usually have to be given to charity stores.
You are welcome to write via the form on the contact page. All loving emails are forwarded to Bronnie, which she reads in her own time.
Unfortunately Bronnie cannot respond to personal mail received, as she or we (her team) always tried to do in the past. We wish we could, but there is only so much we can do while also being committed to presence and regret-free living ourselves.
Instead, we focus on serving you in the best ways possible, including allowing Bronnie space to create and do her best work on a global level. But please know that all loving emails will be read.
While no formal business is done on social media, Bronnie does interact when possible. She can be found on Facebook and Instagram. Her beautiful vlogs and inspiring videos for regret-free living are on YouTube.
Bronnie also corresponds more personally to those on her mailing list, through regular newsletters via Substack. Join her online family using the form at the bottom of this page.
If the subject matter of your email does not fall into one of the above categories where the answer has been provided, we (Bronnie's team) will endeavour to reply as soon as we can.
Please complete the form on the contact page.